FACTS Tuition Management

FACTS Information Management

Since the stability of our school and the quality of its programs are of the utmost importance, we are always seeking ways to make improvements to benefit everyone. After much research and investigation, we have contracted with FACTS Management Company to help us manage our tuition payment program. FACTS is used by over 4,000 schools nationally. We are excited to be working with them and are confident this program will lead to greater financial stability for the school.

Please note the following advantages in using the FACTS system for tuition payment handling:
•Convenient online payment plan sign-up
•Maintain your demographic and financial account information online
•Receive e-mail payment reminders before your payment is due
•Increased affordability
•Online Tuition Payments (if applicable)
•Multiple payment options
•Web-based interface for account viewing

Click Here To FACTS Online Sign-Up!

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